

[callout1]Today, the complexibility of certain projects needs the involvement of experts temporarily.
For this project phase we can help you with professional experts. Please let us know your special needs and we will give you our individual recommendations.

[h3]Feasibility Studies  [/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] Today, the complexibility of certain projects
[h3]Assistance from Concept until Startup[/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] You have got an idea?
[h3]Supervision  [/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] An intensive project phase lies behind you.
[h3]Technical Ship Management[/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] A shipping company has to manage loads of activities all day.
[h3]Installation Surveillance[/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] Very often the docking time is used.
[h3]Repair Management[/h3] [frame style=“modern“ image_path=““ link_to_page=““ target=““ description=““ size=“three_col_large“] You have to carry out certain repairs?